Category Archives for Newsletter
Futures Trading Software
July 2014 By Iqbal Brainch, Chief Marketing Officer, Advantage Futures As electronic trading has grown over the past decade, so have the number of front-end trading platforms. Independent Software Vendors (ISV’s) have carved out a niche to meet the needs of today’s sophisticated traders. Advantage
Hybrid Consulting
July 2014 By David Widerhorn, CEO, David Widerhorn Consulting LLC Let’s face it: today’s futures markets aren’t what they were two decades ago – or even two years ago. The buzz-words “high frequency” and “algo” have gone from being a part of obscure conversation topics
May 2014 By Blu Putnam, Chief Economist and Samantha Azzarello, Economist, CME Group All examples in this report are hypothetical interpretations of situations and are used for explanation purposes only. The views in this report reflect solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of CME Group
Monetary Policy and Interest Rate Outlook 2014
January 2014 Seminar Presented November 12, 2013 While it can be difficult to predict what is to come with Monetary Policy and Interest Rates, the outlook for the next six months should be very exciting due to the change of the Chairman of the Federal